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Congratulations Cookies for Girlfriend

Cookies are one of a kind gifting idea that you can use for any type of occasion for congratulating. Whether it is about gifting your girlfriend you can find cookies to be the perfect congratulatory gifting idea especially if your girlfriend has a love for sweets. 

Congratulating with cookies we feel sweetens the occasion and makes your gift item the perfect above all. 

If you have made up your mind on gifting cookies then you can choose the online portal of 1800 gifts to gift your favorable cookies. 

Best varieties of cookies online

Made with the freshest of dough the cookies you fund on our portal come in distinct flavors and tastes. Your better half grabbing the first bite of our congratulations cookies for girlfriend will simply fall in love with our cookies. Come and check out our portal to find out the best varieties of cookies online.

Finding the best prices

When you want to look for congratulations cookies for girlfriend at the best prices you won’t get a better deal than us. we at 1800 gifts assure you of the best discounts and offers all year round irrespective of what your buying amounts are. Come and grab your first share of discounts by ordering your favorable cookies according to your girlfriend’s likes and preferences. 

Customizing your gift item

We at 1800 gifts are the masters of letting you customize your gift item the way you want it to. You can pair up your chosen box of congratulations cookies with a box of flowers, or candies, or chocolates, or add congratulations greeting card on top. 


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