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Congratulations cookies for husband

Your husband has just got a recent promotion of months and months of hard work for which you need to congratulate him. Are you one of those wives who is looking to congratulate their husband and wondering what can be the best congratulating gifting idea?

If you are then you should grab a look at the 1800 gifts online portal as this is the best portal online for finding unique and personalized congratulations gifts. 

Although we excel in all types of cookies you can choose cookies over everything. 

Yes, what about a finely decorated box of congratulations cookies for husband? We think it is going to be just the perfect gifting idea that you ever have had. 

Choosing your range of cookies

At 1800 gifts you get access to loads of cookies. From fruit cookies to chocolate cookies, and from butter cookies to crispy fun-filled cookies we have it all in our stock. 

Have you finalized yet on exact flavor and cookie taste? If not then you can grab the mixed box cookies that contain cookies of various flavors. 

Getting the best discounts on our website

When it comes to discounts you won’t find a better deal on congratulations cookies for husband than us. We offer assured discounts on each purchase. Finding the best discounts at our portal is easier. 

Customize your gift item in your way

We let you customize your gift in your way. You can pair up your box of congratulations cookies for husband with a greeting card or add up a nicely decorated flower bouquet to make it more special for your husband. 


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